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In April 2021, the Joint Task Force on Education Abroad Health, Safety, and Security, convened by The Forum on Education Abroad and NAFSA: Association of International Educators, released “Responsible Education Abroad: Best Practices for Health, Safety, and Security.”
The goal of the Joint Task Force was to outline fundamental expectations for health, safety, and security in education abroad that could be easily understood by a variety of audiences, from participants to policymakers, by providing an update to practices published in 2002 by a previous interorganizational task force. This 2021 edition reflects changes and advances in education abroad management; a recognition of an expanded view of education abroad to include study, internships, service learning, and research abroad; and an appreciation of how issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion affect health, safety, and security. The statements of best practice have been developed to provide guidance to participants and their support networks, responsible personnel, and responsible organizations. Many thanks to our colleagues who provided feedback on an early draft and especially to the ten Joint Task Force members, all of whom are listed on the final page of the document. |
The Forum on Education Abroad is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization for Education Abroad. The Forum on Education Abroad is hosted by its strategic partner, Dickinson College
© 2025 The Forum on Education Abroad. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 425, Warren, RI 02885 | Phone: (717) 245-1031 |
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