Institute of International Education. | 2017 | Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. | Institute of International Education. |
Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement (CIGE) | Making the Case for Internationalization. | American Council on Education (ACE). | |
Crafting messaging to articulate the value of internationalization to the institution. 12 sample statements. |
NAFSA: Association of International Educators | Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization. | NAFSA Resources for education abroad professionals. | |
Compilation of education abroad professional development topics |
Terry, J. | 2014 | Reconnecting with our roots: challenges for international exchange. | Exchange Matters. |
Connection between international exchange and peace building. |
The Center for Global Education | Impact of Study Abroad on Retention and Success | ||
Generation Study Abroad | Why Study Abroad? | Institute of International Education. | |
Schaeffer, G., & Neumann, E. | 2011 | Brief of Program Participants with a Pre-Departure GPA Below 2.5 & Their Academic Performance Abroad. | University of California Education Abroad Program. |
Broader access to study abroad opportunities -- lower GPA requirements; argument for study abroad as a means to contribute to academic success of students (higher GPA abroad, improved performance & graduation rates) |
Young, D.Y. | 2008 | Persistence at a Liberal Arts University and Participation in a Study Abroad Program. | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (15) 93-110. |
Study abroad as potential contributor to student retention. |
Sutton, R.C. & Rubin, D.L. | 2010 | Documenting the academic impact of study abroad: Final report of the GLOSSARI project. | Paper presented at the annual conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Kansas City, MO. |
Impact of study abroad on academic performance and retention (especially for at-risk students). |
IES Abroad | 50-year Alumni Survey. Various Articles. | ||
Long-term impact of study abroad on academic performance, personal growth, and career paths (for alumni of one organization’s programs). |
McKeown, J. S. | 2009 | The First Time Effect: The Impact of Study Abroad on College Student Intellectual Development. | Albany: SUNY Press. |
Impact of study abroad on intellectual growth, especially for students without prior international experience. |
Willett, T., Pellegrin, N., & Cooper, D. | 2013 | California Community College Student Outcomes Abroad Research Project. | |
Results of research comparing outcomes (retention, transferable GPA, degree completion, transfer rates) for students who did study abroad against those who did not. |
Kuh, G. D. | 2008 | High-Impact Educational Practices, excerpt from High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who has Access to Them, and Why They Matter. | Washington, DC: The Association of American Colleges & Universities. |
Identifies 10 high-impact practices associated with increased student success; includes study abroad within “Diversity/Global Learning.” |
Paige, M., Fry, G., Stallman, E., Jon, J., & Josic, J. | 2010 | Beyond Immediate Impact: Study Abroad for Global Engagement (SAGE). | Report Submitted to the Title VI: International Research and Studies Program U.S. Department of Education. |
Xu, de Silva, Neufeldt, D. | 2013 | The Impact of Study Abroad on Academic Success: An Analysis of First-Time Students Entering Old Dominion University, Virginia, 2000-2004. | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (23) 90-103. |
Impact of study abroad on academic success. |
Posey, James T., Jr. | 2003 | Study Abroad: Educational and Employment Outcomes of Participants versus Non Participants. | Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations. Paper 469. |
Impact of study abroad on academic success (and career). |
Holoviak, J., Verney, T., Winter, A., & Holoviak, S. | 2008 | Assessing Academic Performance through Study Abroad: Benefits of the Experience. | |
Impact of study abroad on academic performance (at Shippensburg University). |
Ingraham, E., & Peterson, D. | 2004 | Assessing the impact of study abroad on student learning at Michigan State University. | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (20) 83-100. |
Impact of study abroad on student learning (including academic performance). |
Barclay Hamir, H. | 2011 | Go Abroad and Graduate on Time: Study Abroad Participation, Degree Completion, and Time-to-Degree. | |
Study abroad as positive predictor of degree completion. |
Young, D.Y. | 2008 | Persistence at a Liberal Arts University and Participation in a Study Abroad Program. | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (15), 93-110. |
Study abroad and student retention. |
Kuh, G. D., Kinzie, J., Schuh, J. H., Whitt, E. J., & Associates | 2005 | Student Success in College: Creating Conditions that Matter. | San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |
Study abroad as a high-impact educational activity, which positively predict student retention/degree completion. |
Commission on the Abraham Lincoln Study Abroad Fellowship Program | 2005 | Global Competence and National Needs: One Million Americans Studying Abroad. | |
Vision and recommendations for framing and funding study abroad in order to increase participation. |
Willett, T., Pellegrin, N., & Cooper, D. | 2013 | California Community College Student Outcomes Abroad Research Project. | |
Results of research comparing outcomes (retention, transferable GPA, degree completion, transfer rates) for students who did study abroad against those who did not |
NAFSA: Association of International Educators | 2015 | Resources for Supporting Diversity in Education Abroad. | |
Highlights a number of resources that could be utilized in developing outreach material. |
Berdan, S., & Johannes, W. | 2014 | What Will it take to Double Study Abroad? A "Green Paper" on the Big 11 Ideas from IIE’s Generation Abroad Think Tank. | Institute of International Education (IIE). |
NAFSA: Association of International Educators | 2013 | Curriculum Integration: Best practices (individual resources embedded and can be itemized). | |
Woodruff, G., Doan, T., Hoff, J., Hall, R., Troup, P., & Hernandez, R. | 2004 | Students of Color and Study Abroad. | Paper presented at University of Minnesota Curriculum Integration Conference. |
Miranda, L. | 2013 | Identifying Student Perspectives: Addressing the Financial Barriers Facing Low-Income Students in Study Abroad. | Master’s thesis. |
Sweeney, K. | 2013 | Inclusive Excellence and Underrepresentation of Students of Color in Study Abroad. | Frontiers: the Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (23) 1-21. |
Blumenthal, P. & Gutierrez, R. | 2009 | Expanding Study Abroad Capacity at U.S. Colleges and Universities. Sixth in a series of white papers on expanding capacity and diversity in study abroad. | Institute of International Education (IIE). |
Paus, E., & Robinson, M. | 2008 | Increasing Study Abroad Participation: The Faculty Makes the Difference. | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (17) 33-49. |
Increasing participation and access to study abroad (Mount Holyoke College case study). |
British Council | 2013 | Culture at Work: The value of intercultural skills in the workplace. | |
Study abroad as a means to help students develop skills valued by employers |
IES Abroad | 50-Year Alumni Survey. Various articles. | ||
Long-term impact of study abroad on academic performance, personal growth, and career paths (for alumni of one organization’s programs). |
Franklin, K. | 2010 | Long-term Career Impact and Professional Applicability of the Study Abroad Experience. | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (19) 169-190. |
Impact of education abroad on career skills and professional achievement. |
Colby, A., Ehrlich, T., Sullivan, T., & Dolle, J.R. | 2011 | Rethinking Undergraduate Business Education: Liberal Learning for the Profession. | Stanford: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. |
Promotes the importance of liberal education in business education including the importance of educating for global perspectives and intercultural learning through study abroad. |
DeGraaf, D., Slagter, C., Larsen, K., & Ditta, E | 2013 | The Long-term Personal and Professional Impacts of Participating in a Study Abroad Program | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (23) 42-59. |
Farrugia, C. & Sanger, J. | 2017 | Gaining an Employment Edge: The Impact of Study Abroad on 21st Century Skills & Career Prospects in the United States | IIE Center for Academic Mobility Research and Impact |
Kronholz, J. & Osborn, D. | 2016 | The Impact of Study Abroad Experiences on Vocational Identify among College Students | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (27) 70-84. |
Norris, E. & Gillespie, J. | 2009 | How Study Abroad Shapes Global Careers | Journal of Studies in International Education (13.3) 382-397. |
Parey, M., & Waldinger, F. | 2008 | Studying Abroad and the Effect on International Labor Market Mobility: Evidence from the Introduction of ERASMUS. | |
Study abroad increases likelihood of working abroad after obtaining degree. |
Tillman, M., ed. | Impact of Education Abroad on Career Development. | American Institute for Foreign Study. | |
Collection of articles discussing the relationship between education abroad and career development from a variety of perspectives. |
Paige, M., Fry, G., Stallman, E., Jon, J., & Josic, J. | 2010 | Beyond immediate impact: Study abroad for global engagement (SAGE). | Report submitted to the Title VI: International Research and Studies Program U.S. Department of Education. |
Posey, J. T., Jr. | 2003 | Study Abroad: Educational and Employment Outcomes of Participants versus Non Participants. | Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations, Paper 469. |
Impact of study abroad on academic success (and career). |
Trooboff, S., Vande Berg, M., & Rayman, J. | 2008 | Employer Attitudes toward Study Abroad. | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad (15) 7-33. |
Study abroad and employability. |
Joint publication of ACE, Art & Science Group, and the College Board | 2008 | College-Bound Students’ Interests in Study Abroad and Other International Learning Activities. | |
Commission on the Abraham Lincoln Study Abroad Fellowship Program. | 2005 | Global Competence and National Needs: One Million Americans Studying Abroad. | |
Vision and recommendations for framing and funding education abroad in order to increase participation. |
Go Overseas. | 2018 | 40 Fundraising Ideas for Study Abroad. | |
IES Abroad. | 15 Ways to Save Money for Study Abroad. | ||
Financing your study abroad program is one of the most challenging and least fun parts of the entire process—but there are a lot of easy ways to save money so that you don’t have to stress about money once you land in your host city. |
Institute of International Education. | IIE Generation Study Abroad Travel Grants | ||
IIE will make funds available for U.S. students from a broad range of backgrounds to make it possible for them to participate in academic, internship or service-learning experiences abroad. |
Paige, M., Fry, G., Stallman, E., Jon, J., & Josic, J. | 2010 | Beyond Immediate Impact: Study Abroad for Global Engagement (SAGE). | Report submitted to the Title VI: International Research and Studies Program U.S. Department of Education. |
Odgen, A. | 2013 | Fundraising & Education Abroad. | NAFSA: Association of International Educators. |
Highlights various sources to secure funding for education abroad. |
NAFSA | Funding & Fundraising. | NAFSA: Association of International Educators. | |
Resources for learning about fundraising and includes various funding models to support international initiatives. |
Akli, M. | 2012 | The Role of Study Abroad Students in Cultural Diplomacy: Toward an International Education as Soft Action. | International Research and Review: Journal of Phi Beta Delta. |
With the recent development of a plethora of study-abroad opportunities, soft power can be re-configured by students and educators who cross national borders. Consequently, they are the potential agents of a paradigm shift regarding cultural diplomacy and international education: they are today’s new unofficial cultural diplomats. |
Brooks, S. | 2019 | Promoting Canadian Studies Abroad: Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy. | Palgrave Macmillan. |
Hall, I. | 2017 | What China's Soft Power Means for European Universities. | University World News. |
Mitchell, B. | 2015 | Conservation and Soft Diplomacy: Engagement Abroad Brings Benefits at Home. | The George Wright Forum. |
Terry, J. | 2014 | Reconnecting with our Roots: Challenges for International Exchange. | ExchangeMatters, 6-7. |
Connection between international exchange and peace building. |
Bender, S. and Jones, V. | 2015 | Moving to the Center: Five Strategies for Strengthening Institutional Commitment to Global Initiatives. | The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). |
This Issue Brief provides SIOs with five strategies that will help them better understand their institutions and improve their ability to “Move Global to the Center.” |
Brewer, E., Charles, H., Ferguson, A. | 2015 | Strategic Planning for Internationalization in Higher Education. | The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). |
Helms, Robin M. | 2016 | Internationalizing the Tenure Code: Six Strategies for Policy Design and Implementation | The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). |
The American Council on Education’s (ACE) 2011 Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses survey found that just 8% of institutions had incorporated internationally-focused criteria into their promotion and tenure policies. In a follow-up study, ACE analyzed such policies from the institutions comprising the 8%, and interviewed their provosts and other leaders about the process of doing so. Six strategies for policy design and implementation emerged from their advice. |
Hudzik, J. K. | 2011 | Comprehensive Internationalization: From Concept to Action. | NAFSA: Association of International Educators. |
Understanding various motivations, rationales, and barriers to internationalization to help make a case for education abroad. |
The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). | Presidential Perspectives. | ||
Highlights senior leadership international education advocacy. |
The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). | Provosts' Perspectives. | ||
Highlights senior leadership international education advocacy. |
Donatelli, L., & Myers, P. | 2010 | Study Abroad: An Integral Part of the Enrollment Model. | |
Importance of study abroad to institutional strategic enrollment management planning. |
Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement (CIGE) | 2012 | Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses | A program of the American Council on Education (ACE) |
Survey of internationalization across the U.S. |
IES Abroad. | 50-year Alumni Survey. Various Articles. | ||
Long-term impact of study abroad on academic performance, personal growth, and career paths (for alumni of one organization’s programs). |
Stephens, Christopher J. | 2018 | Exploring the Impact of Global Studies Experiences on Undergraduate Student Development: Some Curricular Considerations | Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad (30) 63-76. |
The Forum on Education Abroad is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization for Education Abroad. The Forum on Education Abroad is hosted by its strategic partner, Dickinson College
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